Hace más de dos años, la periodista rusa Anna Politkovskaya fue asesinada camino a su casa después de comprar algunas viandas. Se trataba de unas las pocas reporteras que mantuvo una línea crítica de la gestión de Putin y que entregó diversos reportajes que develaron abusos y corrupción gubernamental. The New York Review of Books presenta un texto sobre su trágica muerte y la opresión de Putin hacia los medios de comunicación. Aquí un fragmento:
On the afternoon of October 7, 2006, forty-eight-year-old Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was at the Ramstor Shopping Center on Frunze Embankment in Moscow. In addition to her usual groceries, she was buying special food for her daughter, Vera, who was expecting her first child. Anna and Vera had been talking with each other on their cell phones throughout the day. The baby would becalled Anna, after her grandmother, but Politkovskaya would not live to see her.
As the shopping center's hidden video camera later revealed, Politkovskaya was not alone. She was being followed by a man in jeans and a white turtleneck and a light-haired woman in black. They were part of a larger group of people who had been tailing her for several days. At 3:30 PM, Politkovskaya called her son, Ilya, to tell him she was on her way home. She never made it. At approximately 4 PM, she was fatally shot in the stairwell of her apartment building on Lesnaya Street. Her killer, disguising himself only with a baseball cap and apparently unconcerned by the posted warning of a security camera inside, knew the code needed to enter the building only moments before. Like many contract murderers in Moscow, he left the weapon, an Izh pistol with a silencer, at the scene of the crime.
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