miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009
jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2008
viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008
martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008
Nueva iniciativa sobre medios de comunicación
Más sobre la censura en Internet

Today the Web might seem like a free-speech panacea: it has given anyone with Internet access the potential to reach a global audience. But though technology enthusiasts often celebrate the raucous explosion of Web speech, there is less focus on how the Internet is actually regulated, and by whom. As more and more speech migrates online, to blogs and social-networking sites and the like, the ultimate power to decide who has an opportunity to be heard, and what we may say, lies increasingly with Internet service providers, search engines and other Internet companies like Google, Yahoo, AOL, Facebook and even eBay.
The most powerful and protean of these Internet gatekeepers is, of course, Google. With control of 63 percent of the world’s Internet searches, as well as ownership of YouTube, Google has enormous influence over who can find an audience on the Web around the world. As an acknowledgment of its power, Google has given Nicole Wong a central role in the company’s decision-making process about what controversial user-generated content goes down or stays up on YouTube and other applications owned by Google, including Blogger, the blog site; Picasa, the photo-sharing site; and Orkut, the social networking site. Wong and her colleagues also oversee Google’s search engine: they decide what controversial material does and doesn’t appear on the local search engines that Google maintains in many countries in the world, as well as on Google.com. As a result, Wong and her colleagues arguably have more influence over the contours of online expression than anyone else on the planet.
In response to the rise of online gatekeepers like Wong, some House Democrats and Republicans have introduced a bipartisan bill called the Global Online Freedom Act, which would require that Internet companies disclose to a newly created office in the State Department all material filtered in response to demands by foreign governments. Google and other leading Internet companies have sought modifications to the bill, arguing that, without the flexibility to negotiate (as Wong did with Turkey), they can’t protect the safety of local employees and that they may get kicked out of repressive countries, where they believe even a restricted version of their services does more good than harm. For the past two years, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, along with other international Internet companies, have been meeting regularly with human rights and civil-liberties advocacy groups to agree on voluntary standards for resisting worldwide censorship requests. At the end of last month, the Internet companies and the advocacy groups announced the Global Network Initiative, a series of principles for protecting global free expression and privacy.
martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008
Examen final
- Está programado para el próximo viernes 12 de diciembre
- En el salón 201
- A partir de las 9:00 horas
- Los alumnos se encargarán de definir el orden de participación en el examen
- Las preguntas podrán abarcar TODO el contenido del curso
- Las preguntas relacionadas con el trabajo final tendrán como objetivo: 1) cerciorarse de que el alumno efectivamente elaboró el documento y 2) evaluar la calidad de sus argumentos al defender la tesis principal de su trabajo
viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008
Trabajo final
- El trabajo deberá ser un ensayo crítico -no una mera descripción de datos e información- sobre alguno de los varios temas y problemas que giran alrededor de los medios de comunicación y su relación con la democracia.
- La extensión del texto deberá ser entre 8 y 15 páginas.
- Deberá contar con una bibliografía mínima de cinco fuentes.
- Letra Trebuchet MS número 11 e Interlineado 1,5.
- Se deberá entregar el día del examen oral (12 de diciembre).
- Tiene un valor de 40% de la calificación final (el examen parcial y el examen final tienen un valor de 30% cada uno).
- Si se detecta alguna forma de plagio o el estudiante no es capaz de exponer y argumentar con fluidez el tema de su trabajo durante el examen final-oral, entonces éste será anulado.